About the Journal
The scientific journal «Bulletin of Shakarim University. Series of Economic Sciences» (hereinafter referred to as the journal ) has been published since 1997. It is intended for researchers, teachers, master's students, doctoral students, and undergraduate students. The founder and publisher of the journal is the NJSC «Shakarim University of the city of Semey» (hereinafter referred to as Shakarim University).
The purpose of the journal is to publish the results of scientific research on current issues in economic and finance that are novel and contribute to the development of economic science, as well as to foster an open scientific discussion among scholars and researchers.
The journal has a designed and approved cover and title page that indicate the university, issue data, ISSN, editorial board composition, editorial policy, publication ethics, and website.
The journal includes a frequency of 4 times a year.
Journal articles are registered in the CrossRef database and each authored article is assigned a DOI - a digital object identifier, which is used to provide citation, links and access to electronic documents.
The editorial board of the journal includes leading Kazakh and foreign scientists.
The journal follows a policy of information openness and accessibility of authors' publications; articles are posted on the journal's website in three languages in full-text access.